Monday, January 9, 2012

I Have To Do Something

I have high cholesterol (and coincidentally, birth control increases it even further), I am obese, I have gallbladder issues, I have had gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. My dad died when he was 39 from heart disease. His parents died young, his sister died young. I eat entirely too much CRAP from carbs and sugar to red, fatty meats, to diet pepsi's. I have to stop this. I was supposed to be following a strict diet of lean meats, little red meat or eggs, lots of fiber, less caffeine and I was supposed to exercise. I haven't done any of it at all. It is really very selfish of me. I remember when my dad died, it crushed me. Even now I wonder how things would be if he were here and it stings. If I died from a totally preventable thing, it would be pure selfishness. Are the candy and cheeseburgers worth leaving my children without their mother? NO.

Our scale is spazzing out so I'm not going to be weighing in super soon, but I know that I am at my fattest ever. It's easy to get too busy to care about myself. But I need to prioritize because being the healthiest I can be is more important than so many other tasks I invest my time in. Anyway, I am going to spend some time with my sweetheart before we have to sleep. I will try to update frequently but Lexi has made sitting at the computer very difficult...

1 comment:

  1. Hope you find something that works for you. I know how hard it can be, and I'm still not half as busy as you are. I can relate to several of your thoughts. Not all, obviously, but many of them.

    I've never thought of my unhealthy habits as selfish, though. Guess I didn't want to... Thinking of it that way kind of stings.
