Monday, April 9, 2012

School, etc.

This fits in the category of mental health so it can go on the fitness blog:

I have 5 weeks of school left.

In Anthropology:
Skeletal Exam
Write a paper
Prepare a Power Point
Give presentation
Do assignment #2 (it's a doozy)
Take Final

In Communication:
Prepare last speech (in steps that she gives us)
Give last speech
Prepare award and speech for classmate

Hist B4A:
3 Disussions (at least 5 posts for each)
1 essay assignment (5 essays)

Hist B4B:
1 Discussions (at least 5 posts for each)
1 essay assigment (5 essays)

It all really sucks but there is an end in sight. I am most stressed about all my Anthropology stuff and just finding the time to do everything. But, 5 weeks until summer!!! Also, my brother works one week on and one week off out of town (in the oilfields). Today he was awarded full custody of his three sons. I volunteered to watch them in the summer while he's working because my parents are too old and decrepit to do it and he doesn't have anyone else. I have a sinking feeling that I will be certifiably insane by the end of summer.

*Update: I will NOT be watching my nephews. I gave it a lot of thought and realized that I would NOT be able to handle it and it wouldn't be fair to my own children if I couldn't give them the attention they need.

1 comment:

  1. It all sounds so busy! The end will be here faster than expected. Keep up the awesome work though! It will be worth it in the end. I think you deserve something rewarding for yourself though- like a massage or spa day or something!
