Howdy y'all. Today I was 3.8 lbs lighter than last week. I am 190.6 lbs. I am thrilled with this; however, I have a feeling it is because I am quite dehydrated. I spent the whole night Friday night and part of Saturday morning running back and forth to and from the pit toilet (just imagine- pitch blackness, bugs, rodents, and SMELLY and dirty!) at our camping site because I was SICK. It was miserable. I should be adjusting to the Metformin any day now... I think part of my problem is that I haven't been consistently taking two doses every day... some days, when I can't eat a big enough meal I wait until the afternoon to take it and then I skip the evening dose. So then the next day when I take two, it makes me sick... As for the weekend, it could be that the meat Devonn prepared for dinner was too fatty. Today, I woke up feeling a bit sick and I have a presentation today so I either need to get it out of my system RIGHT NOW or it needs to just pass.
Since I'm sure it's dehydration/water weight and because I seem to be plateauing on a day to day basis, I'm not expecting much weight loss next week...I should also mention that I still can't eat nearly 1,200 calories, it's ridiculous.
Anyway, If I do continue to lose 2 lbs per week, I will be about 175 at the end of summer school!! And if I continued to lose 2 lbs per week beyond that, by the beginning of the Fall quarter I would be 162. And beyond that, I would be 143 at the end of the Fall quarter when I am done at CSUB. Woo-hoo!! 143 lbs is well into my healthy weight. Since I am sort of anticipating some plateauing and struggle, I won't beat myself up if I don't achieve those milestones. Plus, I have lost way more than 2lbs each week so far, so I'm already ahead of my initial goals. :)
Anyway, time to go practice for this presentation and get the munchkins ready.
PS- I am no longer considered obese, I am now overweight. :)
Yay for the weight loss! Boo for being sick. Hopefully things settle and you start feeling better soon!